Healthy –Handy Top Snacks for your grownups.


Healthy –Handy Top Snacks for your grownups.

Ten healthy💪 and trouble-free recipes
Healthy 💪and easy recipes

This is something what, that the every mother wants to give her child.

It’s healthy and handy.

It should be healthy and it should be handy. Most of the mothers are working nowadays, so they want to go for healthy and handy items. But as there is lack of time they will go for package foods. But everyone knows its unhealthy food.

So today I thought to guide the mothers for easy and healthy dishes in your kitchen. I feel these dishes are easy and won’t take much time to prepare. So you can give your growing child healthy snacks for small hunger.


1. Laddoos- I prefer this recipe as it is very easy to prepare and much tasty. Just two ingredients is required for this recipe. And if you feel laddos can take more time to prepare but no! these laddoos can easily prepare within 10 to 15 minutes that much of time you can spend for your grownups. If you prepare once I am sure your child will ask for it next time.

Look at the recipe below.

Put roasted groundnuts (2cup) in mixer, add  jaggery(1&1/2cup) . Grind it properly. Then prepare small balls of it. It tastes good.

Everyone knows jaggery is the best option for sugar.

2.  Beetroot -  

Wash and peel the beetroot. Then keep in a separator of cooker, add salt as per your taste and boil it. 

HH snack is ready. It's very healthy food for short hunger.


3. Rice flakes chiwada - 

Heat a pan. Add 2 tbsp oil.  Saute groundnut (2 teaspoons) and keep it aside. Then add ginger- garlic paste (1 teaspoon), two sliced green chill is, sauté them till it becomes dry. Then add (1 teaspoon) turmeric. Next immediately add (250 gram) thin rice flakes. Add salt and sauté till it becomes crispy. In the last add half teaspoon of powdered sugar and turn of the gas stove. This same you can prepare with puffed rice.

Instead of outside packed foods, you can spend just 15 - 20 minutes to prepare this according to your spare time if you are a working woman. 

4. Corn - 

Such an wonderful creation of God it’s really healthy snacks for growing children. Either you can boil it in pressure cooker by adding salt or you can fry on gas stove, sprinkle some lemon juice, salt and chilly powder. Its amazing mouth watering sacks. 

5. Fruits- 

Go to nearby market. Purchase fruit available in your area. This is really easy snack. Just wash, peel and cut it. 

Banana is easily available fruit. 


(■ Most of the children make long face by seeing the fruits but if we habituate them , then it good for their future■)

6.  Popcorn - 

You may get corn for popcorn in any grocery store. Just pick them up. Add 1 teaspoon of oil in pan. After heating the pan add 2 tbsp of corn, cover the lid (make sure don't cover full keep some space to pass air). Within 3 to 5 minutes the popping sound will stop. Now you can turn off the gas stove. Your another healthy recipe of snack for short hunger is ready. 

[ ■ you can add chilli powder/ black pepper powder or maggi masala in oil to enhance the taste of your popcorn■ ]

7. Cucumber-  



Such healthy, juicy snacks! Just wash and peel it. Cut in your desired shape. Sprinkle salt and chilli powder. You can satisfy your hunger.       


8. Sprouts –

 There is no doubt that this is full of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. You can soak the grains overnight and the next day drain the water, then wrap it in a muslin cloth for 6 to 7 hours. Sprouts are ready. Just steam it for 10 minutes then add salt, chopped onion, tomato, coriander and sprinkle 1 tsp lemon juice and last garnish with nylon shev.  Thus very healthy, nutritional dish is ready.


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