How Electricity Help us?# Essays for Primary , Middle and Higher Class Students


 Essay: the uses of ELECTRICITY



Writing an essay is an artful mission for everyone. It is a basic element in any language. It is the most significant part in English Language. This part is vital after the English grammar to score good marks in exam. But it should be written according to the level. Here we will look the three essays on the same topic.  One is for primary level, second is for middle level and another for higher level.

How Electricity Help Us?


Today we find electricity everywhere. We cannot even imagine our world without it. Electricity serves us in our houses, schools, factories, offices and also light up streets. If at all there is a power cut human cannot tolerate that and so now days there are invertors or generators are running in mostly all houses.

Because of electricity we can keep our house cool or warm as our convenience. Even we can do our daily chores through the help of gadgets like mixer, grinder, toaster, fridge, washing machine, microwave, cooler, vacuum cleaner, geyser, iron and so many others. 

Electricity has made our works easy.  Means of communication becomes too easy because of telephone, telegraph, fax machines etc. even daily news paper is printing because of power. The radio and the television also provide us much information from any part of world. And also entertain us.

Thus electricity helps us in various ways in our day to day life. Without it we cannot even pass a minute.





In, nature electricity is produced during rains in clouds and we call it lightening. But Benjamin Franklin was conducted his first experiment on static electricity, and discovered electricity.

Today there is no single person can imagine the day or even a single moment without electricity. Everyone is totally dependent on many electronic gadgets. There is no such work which can be done without using electricity. It is a great boon of Modern Science. Today’s life has become so modern and so mechanical that even for all small things in daily life human dependent on electricity.

Electricity is used in various field of human activity. It is served in all the fields like engineering, communication and transport, medical field, entertainment program, construction, factories and many more. All the fields depend upon the electricity. Just think for a while, just for an hour there is no electricity in your house. You cannot watch television, you cannot run washing machine or mixer or oven or not use mobile if it is not charged. Just visualize the situation. How much helpless you feel? Really all we human beings are much practiced with this electricity. Just imagine the same situation in any hospital. How the machines can operate without power? How the patients will get the proper treatment? The operation theatres will not open if there is no electricity. Doctors need a powerful light which hands over the body of the patients upon the operation table.

Thus all the fields are equipped with electricity. It powers virtually all appliances used in various fields. It powers air-conditioning equipment, machinery used to chore, means of transport and the different communication channels. Thus a vital need is to worth this amazing form of energy. It is now time to find the ways to generate it from renewable sources.




When our ancestors used to live in darkness, that time no one would had thought even about the electricity. Nobody could have thought that the electricity will make the human life versatile, comfortable and innovative In nature, electricity is producing during rains in cloud and we call it lightening. But our great scientist Benjamin Franklin has discovered this electricity.

In the present days electricity is ubiquitously. It serves us from morning and till the end of our day.  We cannot even start our day without touching the switches of electricity. So everyone is helpless without the electricity.

Everyone has to take a bath in the morning means you have to switch on the lights and turn on the geyser to heat the water. Thus your day starts with the support of electricity. Thus in the house for every step electricity serves us through the gadgets like fridge, washing machine, geyser, iron, mixer, grinder, toaster, microwave, oven and many more things. Not only in the house but also factories, offices, farms and in schools the electricity plays an important role.

Electricity has grown rapidly in various means of communications. Insistent messages can be sent by telegraph, telephone, fax or mobile which run on electricity. The news paper which we are getting daily needs electricity for printing in press. Nowadays everyone is addict of mobile and laptops. These gadgets cannot run without electricity.

Even the most important place that means hospitals cannot run without electricity. Many machines like x-ray machine, shock treatment, electrocardiogram, and many more instruments run by electricity. If there is power cut hospitals should have backups of generator or invertors.

There is no an area of human being action which has been left untouched or unaffected by electricity. The sudden power cut make us like paralyzed and we are helpless of transacting any business. Electricity is a splendid miracle of the contemporary age.


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