How to improve your English

How to improve your English

Whenever someone faces any interview or suffers from  stage fear ..that time the concern person realizes he / she is having lack of communication skills. Then, they will  start to  improve their communication skills . 

Here are some easiest ways to improve your communication skills in English.

1. The very first thing you should do is to  think in English. Whatever you are thinking in your mind is think in English so, it will help  you to speak in English automatically.
2. The next one is speak, speak speak in English only. Try to speak with the person who doesn't know your mother tongue and there should be  only option of speaking in English.

3. The next thing is reading. Read what you like may be story, comics, newspapers, magazines or anything else. That will help you to develop your vocabulary. But keep it in mind you should read what you like or else you will lose your interest in reading.

 4. After reading you can share your thoughts or stories which you have read with your friends..This is the most amazing and interesting thing which enhances your communication skills. But keep in mind while speaking be clear, opt and use easy , small sentence which avoid confusion. And speak slowly no need to speak fast.

5. What you can see in above picture...yes the person is speaking in front of the mirror.
So guys talking in front of mirror is the most powerful way to gain confidence for speaking. If you are not comfortable with friends or any other person for speaking , speak to yourself .
6. You can see so many stories or videos  from you tube with subtitles which helps you to improve your vocabulary and speaking skills.
7. Use audiovisual ways develop your skills. 
  After all  "Practice makes man perfect"
So how much you practice make yourself perfect 
So follow these simple steps to improve your communication skills in English


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