An introduction to ample of Examples of Gender

 An introduction to ample of  Examples of Gender

Nouns can be divided on the basis of gender also. 
Lets see what is gender and kinds of gender ?

Gender -- Any division of nouns and pronouns in different classes such as masculine / feminine / neuter, or animate / inanimate.

Kinds of Gender

1. Masculine gender

2. Feminine gender

3. Neuter gender

4. Common gender

1. Masculine gender-- A noun which is used for male noun.

For example --

Boy, king, bull, horse

2. Feminine gender -- A noun used fir female noun

For example - girl, woman queen, mare

3. Neuter gender --- used for non living  things/ nouns .

For example - book, pen, table, wall etc.

4. Common gender -- used commonly for both masculine and feminine nouns.

For example -- parents, students, bird, friends, animals , doctor etc.

Examples  of masculine and feminine gender

■Human -- kind
  Masculine         Feminine                                          

1.  Boy                     girl

2.  Brother            sister

3. Father            mother

4. Gentleman      lady

5. King              queen

6. Lad                 lass

7. Lord                lady

8. Man             woman

9. Mr.                Mrs

10. Nephew     niece

11. Sir            madam

12. Son         daughter

13. Uncle       aunt

■Birds --

Masculine       Feminine

1. Cock             hen

2. Drake           duck

3. Gander       goose

■Beast --

1  . Billy         nanny

2. Buck          doe

3. Bull           cow

4. Colt           filly

5. Bullock       heifer

6. Dog             bitch

7. Horse       mare

8. Ox            cow

9. Fox          vixen

10. Ram        ewe

11. Stag         doe

12. Stallion      mare

13. Tom- cat     queen- cat

Human - kind 

[ By adding 'ess' suffix  to make feminine gender ]

   Masculine         Feminine

1. Actor               actress

2. Author           authoress

3. Conductor     conductress

4. Emperor        empress

5. Giant             giants

6..God         goddess

7. Heir            heiress

8. Host           hostess

9. Hunter          huntress

10. Manager    manageress

11. Mayor           mayoress

12. Master              mistress

13. Poet                poetesss

14  priest              priestess

15. Prince           princess

16. Shepherd       shepherdess

17. Waiter          waitress

■Beasts -:

1. Lion        lioness

2. Tiger       tigress

Some nouns change the gender by joining  specific word or adding prefix

Masculine                   Feminine

1. Father- in- law          Father- in- law    

2. Grandfather             grandmother

3. Grandson                 granddaughter

4. Landlord                 landlady

5. Milkman               milkmaid

6. Manservant           maidservant

7. peacock                peahen

8. Fisherman            fisherwomen 

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