What is an Interjection in Grammar?

What is an Interjection in Grammar?# Interjection Definition and Examples

                         One of the Parts of Speech  


Interjection with examples

What is an interjection in grammar? 

A word or phrase that is used to express strong feeling or emotion like surprise, pain and pleasure in known as 'interjection'.

For example;

Oh! Hurray! , Wow! Bravo! Oh no! Yippee!

An interjection is a word or expression that occurs on sudden activity. Its expresses a spontaneous feeling or reaction, an interjection is a word or phrase that is grammatically independent from the words around it, and mainly expresses feeling rather than meaning.

An interjection is a part   of   speech that expresses the emotions or feelings of the author. These words or phrases can be used alone, or be placed before or after a sentence.  These e expressions you can find mostly in exclamatory sentences.

These interjections are an excitable part of grammar that can express strong emotions. And that means that get to use exclamation points.

The following listing indicates a few not general examples of interjections:

• Hey!

·    Bravo!

·    Shhh!

• Hi!

• Oh!

• Ow!

• Ugh!

• Huh!

• Uh-oh!

• Whoops!

• Yikes!

• Meh!

• Yuck!

• Wow!

• Phew!

Let's see the most important list of interjection: 


Interjection with examples

1. Aah: -- Explanation for fear

Aah!  There is lizard! Help me!

2. Ahh!  --- Expresses realization of acceptance.

Ahh ! I'll agree with you, I'll come.

3. Aww--- Expresses cuteness

Aww! She is so cute.

4. Alas --- shows sadness

Alas!  They lose the match.

5. Hello -- E expresses greeting

Hello Raj! How are you?

6. Hey -- getting attention

Hey! Look at the plane.

7. Ah! ---

I.  Express realization

Ah! I understood by mistake.

II. Expresses surprise

Ah! You have completed your task successfully.

III. Expresses pleasure

Ah! Your presence gives me pleasure.

8. Ouch --- Expresses pain.

Ouch! It hurts me.

9. Bravo -- Expresses happiness

Bravo! I got 1st prize.

10. Hmm --- shows thinking.

Hmm! Let's hope for the best.

11. Oops--- Expresses mistake

Oops! I broke the cup. Sorry.

12. Help-- asks help

Help me! I am falling.

13. Wow --- shows surprise and admiration

Wow! What a beautiful garden!

14. Yippee --- exclamation for celebration

Yippee! We won! Let's have fun.

15. Hurray --- shows joy, happiness

Hurray! We won the lottery.

Actually in writing, it is possible to turn anything into an interjection by using an exclamation point. Listed below are just some examples:




No way!






Thank you!



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