Essay On Time Is Money: It's Not as Difficult as You Think


Essay On Time Is Money: It's Not as Difficult as You Think

Time is priceless and precious. We use it for earning money but it’s important to understand that we cannot use the money to get back our time. If you spend your time in doing one task then you cannot use the same time in different task or you never get back your time which you have spent. So it’s more precious than money itself. Loss of money can recover if one works hard for it.

 Time is very precious and valuable tenure that a man can ever have. Once it has gone, it never returns. No one can preserve it for future. But the only thing is that time can be utilized as an opportunity to achieve progress in life.

Spare time is a kind of disposal time before or after one’s working hours. It is a time when one is at ease and can take rest, relax or recreate in the pursuit of some interesting occupation. Thus people can utilize time for their own progress.

Most of the people just spend their leisure lying in bed, chatting, eating and wandering or playing games, but such unreceptive activities neither good for body nor for the mind. If people don’t know how to utilize the time, they may go for more and more exciting pleasures and this may lead to unhealthy and harmful activities like gossiping, smoking, drinking, drug-taking or even anti social activities, crimes and vices.

The best way to utilize the time is to engage yourself in a hobby. Choice of hobby may vary from person to person. For those whose work involves physical exertion, hobbies like reading, drawing, painting, music, singing, indoor games are more suitable.  And for those whose regular work involves more mental exertion, hobbies like outdoor games, traveling, swimming, riding, gardening, hiking, dancing will be more suitable.

The way people utilize their time determines the quality of their life. Pursuit of dynamic, productive and creative activities during spare time enriches and invigorates life, helps to develop a balanced personality and lift the educational level of the person. Vice versa, pursuit of ineffective, destructive or unsafe activities in spare time depreciates the educational level of person and ends in one’s physical downfall.

Therefore the people who utilize their time in productive way have become eminent and moneyed. So merchants and professionals, who work hard, make a lot of money.

Today the world has advanced in many ways, and people have learned to inculcate their time for their progress. Obviously, for this reasons competition has increased among every field of work. Everything is unpredictable in today’s world so the life can end at any time or moment, and no one can get chance to bargain. So, one should realize that, there is nothing superior to time.  And time which can bring you money, but you can never buy lost time with money again; So, time is priceless that is "Time is Money".


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