Ramayana Story 2

 Ramayana Story 2
Shri Rams's Kharutai
ShriRama's Squirrel

Children, the story that you are going to read now is called “Shri Ram's Kharutai”;  when Shri Ram got ready to go to Lanka, to rescue Sita from Ravana's Lanka, Shriram Lakshmana Vanaraja Sugriva Mahavir Hanuman Jambhwant and all the monkey army set out. They reached the southern tip of India. Now it was necessary to cross the sea to go to Lanka. Not all of them had the power to fly in the sky like Hanuman and he did not have a ship, so they decided to build a bridge over the sea to go to Lanka. And for that, all the preparations were needed like big stones, soil, sand and trees. As per the plan of Sri Rama's monkey army started bringing big rocks and trees and the bridge construction work started. A little squirrel was watching all this work from a distance. She also wanted to help Sri Rama. She thought, I am so small, what can I do to help, but still she started throwing small stones, soil and sand, which could fit in her small hand, to take all the soil and sand to the flower. The other monkeys saw her struggle and they started laughing at her. They started making fun of her. They said this bridge is very big, when it will complete if you bring such a small things. Why you are doing this, what is the use of this?  When will it be completed and when will we go to Lanka? Shri Ram was watching from far and came near. Even though she is bringing things in small amount as per her strength, she has fully devoted herself to this task and she is doing the work. Even if your strength is low, your work is great; you should have 100% faith in the work and do it wholeheartedly.

In good work, it is not important to do great work, it is more important to work wholeheartedly, everyone will work according to their own ability, small, big, weak, strong, all contribute their own work, the work becomes great. The monkeys begged for her forgiveness and the Lord laughed and forgave them. Since he lovingly moved his hand over squirrels’ back and black stripes appeared on her body, the children say that earlier squirrels’ body was of the same color and since Lord Shri Ram lovingly moved his back, these stripes are on the screen, a sign of helping Lord Rama.

So children you always keep in mind that if we can contribute to a work with heart and good spirit, even if we have less energy, God appreciates it.

Shriram Birth Story

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